Ice Breaker Game – First Impressions

Ice Breakers in Action!Icebreakers are amazing allies for getting groups and teams to gel and work together quickly.

Many trainers, group leaders, teachers, charity workers, committee leaders, church, youth and team leaders to professional consultants and managers employ ice breakers to break down barriers and accelerate the getting to know you phase of learning and engagement.

This ice breaker game is ideal for newer teams. Ideal group size is 6-15.

  • Give each person an envelope and enough peices of paper for every person in the group. Therefore, if there are 12 people in the group give each person an envelope and 12 strips of paper.
  • Ask everyone to write their name on the envelop and then pass the envelope on to the person on their left.
  • Instruct every receiver of the envelope to write a positive first impression about the person with their name on the envelope they hold. Then place the strip of paper in the enveope and pass to the left again. Repeat the process for every person in the group.

Eventually the envelope will return to the owner and will contain 12 peices of paper, each with a positive first impression. Ask each person in turn to pick a strip out of their envelope and read aloud a positive attribute.

This is so powerful! Each person will have an envelope full of positive messages and will feel warm towards the group, even though they barely know each other. This is a fantastic platform to build on!

Get more fantastic and brilliant ice breaker games and ideas for your groups and teams at

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