Fun Energizers

conference energizerHere’s a fantastic fun ice breaker or energizer to help participants get involved in a session straight away. It’s high energy and a version of the old “Bingo” favourite with a twist.

 Design a bingo card on a sheet of paper with a number of boxes.8 or 10 is a good number. Think of some wacky tasks that you can ask individuals to perform and write down each task in a box. Copy the sheet and give a sheet to each participant.

After you say GO,  the group mix and try and find a person to perform each of the individual tasks. When one person has performed a task you ask them to sign the box on the sheet and then go and look for another person to perform the next task. The first person to have a signature in each box shouts “finished” and is the winner.

Suggestions for tasks may include:

  •  sing the first verse of a song
  •  recite a poem of their choice
  •  talk about a topic of their choice for 1 minute without pausing (you time them)
  • perform 5 press ups
  • play dead for 1 minute
  • teach you a dance movement
  • tell you a joke
  • laugh whilst you try to keep a straight face
  • sit in a yoga position for 30 seconds
  • Ask someone to stand on one leg for 40 seconds

The effect will be a raucous and lively energizer. Completely uplifting! Your group will love it!

Sharon Naylor is passionate about ice breaker games for work, play, parties, meetings, groups and clubs. In fact anywhere people are mixing with others whether it be for the first time or when familiar. Ice breaker games and energisers inject a sense of fun into gatherings, speed up that getting to know you stage and get people ready to face the rest of the event with high energy and expectation. For more brilliant ice breaker ideas that you can use with your own groups and teams visit the ice breaker ideas web-site.

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